Joerg Schilling wrote:
> James Carlson <james.d.carlson at Sun.COM> wrote:
> >   - when invoked as pfksh93, the shell becomes aware of RBAC and
> >     checks whether there's a profile for a given command before
> >     attempting to use the built-in; if there is, it execs the external
> >     version instead.
> This sounds reasonable to me.

Question to David+Glenn: Is it possible to implement this somehow ?

In general I am requesting the ARC people to burry this issue and let
the project team come up with a solution in peace - which means don't
rip out pfksh93 from this ARC case - there are at least three existing
ways to deal with the problem (see my other email) and IMO we have
plenty of time with deal with the problem since the intial putback
commits ksh93s-_alpha to OS/Net anyway - which means there will be a
couple of putbacks between now and the final version of ksh93s where we
can revisit this issue and hack a working solution together...



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 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
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