I'm sponsoring this Fast Track for Ric Aleshire and the Trusted Extensions
development team.

Trusted Extensions was introduced in PSARC/2002/762 Layered Trusted
Solaris with filesystem interfaces defined in the subcase
PSARC/2005/723 Solaris Trusted Extensions Filesystem Labeling

One of the goals of Trusted Extensions was to make no modifications to
the on disk filesystem structures.  This was different than the releases
of Trusted Solaris (1.0-2.5.1, 7, 8).  In those systems on disk filesystem
changes were made in order to support labels.  That made those filesystems
incompatible with the unlabeled forms.  With the advent of
PSARC/2002/240 ZFS (Zettabyte Filesystem) and its property structure defined
by PSARC/2007/315  Extensible Attribute Interfaces, some amount of labeling
can be introduced in a fully compatible way.

This case requests a Committed Interface Taxonomy, and a Patch Release
Binding with a dependency on PSARC/2002/240 and PSARC/2007/315.

A full diffmarked zfs(1m) man page is in the case directory.

The timer is set for 17 June, 2009.

        The Trusted Extensions feature of Solaris provides sensitivity
        labels, and mediates data access accordingly.  These labels are
        associated with zones; each zone on a system is configured to
        have a unique label.  Labels are not stored with the filesystem
        but are inferred based on the containing zone.  Mount-time
        policy controls access to filesystems and the objects they

        Based on customer requests for Trusted Extensions and possible
        future Common Criteria Evaluation criteria, there are
        requirements to be able to store labels with corresponding
        data.  In Trusted Extensions, a ZFS dataset currently has only
        an implied label, based on where it is mounted (i.e., in which
        zone).  To prevent administrators or users from accidentally
        mounting datasets in ways that would mislabel information, that
        information should be recorded as a persistent ZFS attribute.
        Labeled ZFS filesystems will also improve the security of
        removable devices (such as USB media) in Trusted environments.

        ZFS filesystem mechanisms make it possible to support labels as
        attributes of the data.  To protect these labels from user
        manipulation, they will be system attributes as defined by ZFS,
        and will be supported by kernel policy to maintain the label
        and control access to the corresponding data.

        ZFS kernel mount logic will access the label attribute and
        perform a check for label dominance, similar to the policy
        found in lofs and nfs mount code.  Labeling of previously
        unlabeled ZFS file systems will generally be automatic and
        not require administrative action.

        A new system property called "slabel" is defined.  Its value is a
        string which represents the internally encoded label of the
        dataset.  (E.g., "0x0002-08-08", which corresponds to the
        "public" label.)  slabel is an inheritable property; when not
        present, it defaults to the string "none" to indicate no label
        is present.  The slabel property follows the same rules as the
        other inheritable properties.

        When Trusted Extensions is enabled, mount-time checks will
        verify that the dataset label matches the label of the zone
        that the dataset is mounted into.  If the labels do not match,
        the mount syscall fails with an EACCES error.

        The slabel property may be set from the command line using the
        zfs command, for example:
                zfs set slabel=0x0002-08-08 export/something

        Setting the slabel property can only be done when Trusted
        Extensions is enabled. The file_upgrade_sl privilege is required
        when setting an initial label, or changing a non-default label
        to a higher level label.  The file_downgrade_sl privilege is
        required when removing a label (setting it to "none") or when
        changing a non-default label to a lower level label.

        In addition to manually setting dataset labels, the system will
        appropriately initialize the label attribute automatically.  At
        mount time, if the dataset has no slabel property or only the
        default one ("none"), the slabel property will be set during
        the mount.

        Changing the label on a dataset (i.e. setting the slabel
        property, when a non-default slabel value already exists), is
        only allowed when the dataset is not mounted.  Setting an
        initial slabel is permitted regardless of whether the dataset
        is mounted or not.

        In a labeled zone the only value which can be set for the
        slabel property of a dataset is the one matching the zone's
        label.  (Which is set automatically at first mount time.)

        When mounting into the global zone proper, the mount will fail
        if the dataset has any label other than the default ("none") or
        admin_high/admin_low.  No automatic property setting is
        performed for any mounts into the global zone.

        One mount-time label check is performed for ZFS datasets when
        Trusted Extensions is NOT enabled.  If the dataset has a non-
        default label property, then without Trusted Extensions it can
        only be mounted if it is admin_high/admin_low.  That is, it
        was mountable exclusively into the Trusted Extensions global
        zone and contains no Trusted Extensions labeled user data.  

        The kernel does not presently have interfaces to translate
        internally encoded string labels to binary label (m_label)
        structures for manipulation or from binary labels to internally
        encoded string labels.  This case will add project private
        interfaces to do so.  The actual code will be shared with the
        existing user land code in str_to_label(3tsol) and


       The following native properties can be used  to  change  the
       behavior of a ZFS dataset.


+      slabel=<internally encoded label | none>
+           This property is used with Trusted Extensions.  This is
+           the internal encoding of a sensitivity label (also called
+           a hex label).  (See label_to_str(3tsol), label_encodings(4),
+           hextoalabel(1M), atohexlabel(1M).) At mount time, this label
+           must match that of the zone where the dataset is being mounted,
+           or the mount fails.
+           When the slabel property is not set it defaults to the value
+           "none".  Setting the slabel property to "none" is equivalent
+           to removing it.
+           Setting the slabel property can only be done when Trusted
+           Extensions is enabled, and requires privilege.  The
+           {PRIV_FILE_UPGRADE_SL} privilege is required when changing a
+           non-default label to a higher level label or when initially
+           setting the dataset label (i.e. when the existing label is a
+           default "none").  The {PRIV_FILE_DOWNGRADE_SL} privilege is
+           required when removing a label or changing to a default
+           label, or when changing a non-default label to a lower
+           level label.
+           Changing the label on a dataset (i.e. setting the slabel
+           property, when a non-default slabel value already exists),
+           is only allowed when the dataset is not mounted.  Setting
+           an initial slabel is permitted regardless of whether the
+           dataset is mounted or not.
+           In a labeled zone the only value which can be set for
+           the slabel property of a dataset is the one matching the
+           zone's label.  This is done automatically during the first
+           successful mount of a previously unlabeled dataset into
+           labeled zones.  For global zone datasets, only the default
+           ("none") or admin_low and admin_high labels may be used.
+           When Trusted Extensions is NOT enabled, datasets with
+           labels other than the default ("none") or admin_low/admin_high
+           cannot be mounted.


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