> Just ot of interest - can you tell me which version
> of Linux you are running VMWare on, and how you set
> it up? I use VMWare for testing Solaris and
> prototyping new servers and it would be nice to not
> host them on Windoze. When I've tried to install on
> Linux in the past I've always got stuck at the bit
> where it asks for kernel drivers or some such.

If you are having issues installing VMware, please jump on over to our 
discussion forums [1] so we can help to solve the problems you are experiencing.

The particular problem you are probably running into is that you are installing 
VMware on a system that we don't ship pre-built modules for.  In this case, the 
installer will try to build the modules for your running kernel, so you need 
the kernel headers installed on the system.  Presumably you didn't build your 
own kernel, since the headers would be there, so you'll need to install the 
corresponding kernel headers or source package.  What distro and kernel version 
are you running?


[1] http://www.vmware.com/community/index.jspa
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