Chris Mahan([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:49:31PM -0800:
> I look forward to the discussion this is going to generate, namely:
> can Sun do the same to OpenSolaris, and if not, why not, what's
> preventing them. I'm looking for sound legal reasons, not Sun's
> goodwill.

1) The cited project hasn't been closed down, just restructured (along
with other large chunks of Sun recently).

2) OpenSolaris' licensing has resulted in all released code
effectively being "in the wild" - those horses have bolted.

3) Development of OpenSolaris isn't just spread across two or three
Sun offices, which could be readily consolidated like the Directory
Services projects have been.  It really is a worldwide development
process, so all Sun could do is reassign developers to other projects
which still wouldn't prevent those developers from contributing

4) From a PR point of view, shutting down OpenSolaris would be
foolhardy at best.  Sun management are well aware of what happened to
The SCO Group and a public backlash from the FOSS community is a
serious issue these days.

5) The OpenSolaris Project provides a very real vector for future Sun
growth.  By introducing Solaris to a wider user base than that
traditionally generated through the employees of existing clients,
they have a natural entry point into market segments not usually
targetted.  Small to medium enterprises, for example, may now start
acquiring low end Sun servers and/or thin client services if their IT
staff/consultants are already aware of the benefits through working
with OpenSolaris.

6) There's no real market value in selling the operating system alone.
Not with the development of the many GNU/Linux distributions and a
solid base of GNU/BSD systems already freely available.  The operating
system's value is only realised in conjunction with the hardware it

It's not a matter of "Sun's goodwill," regardless of how Sun's
attitude may be spun that way, it's simply enlightened self-interest.


P.S.  Disclaimer:  I am currently contracted to Sun Microsystems via a
third party.  All opinion is my own and not speaking in any way for
Sun (hence the post from my home address).  Neither am I speaking for
any of the FOSS organisations I am involved with at an organisational
level (e.g. Open Source Victoria) or have been involved with in the
past (e.g. Linux Users of Victoria).

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