I am trying to build mod_rails on a Joyent-hosted OSol (snv_67) x64 container.
I installed SunStudio 12 compiler and 124864-03, 124868-04, 126498-05 patches.
The ruby gem in question is called passenger (as in gem install passenger) and
is being tried aout for a part in a large facebook
What's your take on the metadata (versions, pkg dependencies, stable vs.
-devel, that sort of stuff). As an example, is putting all this into mercury
(Hg) an option? I know it's python but python is now in /usr/sfw, so it may not
be so bad. Or you'd rather keep it all in C?
Then ther
Good summary, thank you.
What do we need to do to make this an official project?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list
The time stamps on the opensolaris torrents all say August 14 - is this the
last time they were seeded? Is it possible to make them more current?
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list
There is FreeBSD ports, darwin ports (Mac OS X) and freshports - which one do
you suggest we try to follow?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list
Are you trying to telnet in the machine as root or as a user? Can you use ssh
to get in? If you are coming from an unlabeled host and your user has
admin_low as its minimum label, you should be able to get in to the global
zone, otherwise, there may be multiple sources for this.
If you zlogi
Have you set up labeled zones? Which labels did you use? What are labels /
clearances did you set for your user?
Security forum (and its documents) will probably be more helpful for your TX
Good luck,
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