This is not verified nor confirmed.
If this is so, then Oracle appears to be a culture of 'control freaks.'

former licensed professional engineer with OFFICER status - multi state
in professional engineering organizations.

Sometimes you have to 'bite the bullet' and dissolve.  Death before dishonor.

Solaris formerly certified. Wall Street and other industries. other I.T. 
system engineer.
Wall Street with it's many Sun now Oracle OS and Cray - Sun - Oracle
supercomputers should BE YOUR ALLIES.

negotiate as much as you can.  BUT 'the VOLUNTEERS'  board are in
a difficult position.

WHY is this stupid?
     SECURITY.  it's solaris versus BSD.  see recent kernel bug unpatched
for Linux.
      solaris and RISC chip may be a good combo.  But BUSINESS profits -
perhaps MICROSOFT and 'windoze code' will REIGN SUPREME.

likely google and NON-RELATIONAL databases against 'oracle database'
or even IBM database.

will oracle need sun and solaris?  Why not get rid of JAVA and other
'non-essential personnel' in Oracle?

Outsource to India software and even Africa software?
     it may be a lot cheaper there.

fair disclosure:  I may be uninformed, just read it on slashdot.
But short term thinking appears to triumph.

example:  New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina.  Plane photos show
'cracks' and even TREES and vegetation grown on and IN THE LEVEES.
the RAILROAD left the 'flood gate open' on the train tracks.  Water hit
the POWER STATION next door.  No electric means no flood pumps.
No electric means NO PHONES.  read the TWO engineering reports.
people drown.

Is the FLOOD (rhetorical) coming?

anonymous - not presently with Oracle.

PC means INTEL close to monopoly.

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