My first Sun was a Sun 3/60, I loved it, it was a great workstation and I've 
used it for years, it even (back then) seemed fast. Since then, things have 
quite changed, computers got somewhat faster and it's time for me to find the 
"Perfect" OpenSolaris workstation.

Why you'd ask? Well, one of the projects I'm working on it the migration of 
hundreds of Linux servers (and few BSDish) to opensolaris, the only way I can 
dive into OpenSolaris myself is to run it on my own workstation, therefore my 
criteria to qualify the "Perfect" OpenSolaris workstation is a workstation that 
would be able to compile OpenSolaris from source at an acceptable speed (under 
an hour for sure, the faster the better) and be reasonably priced (clearly 
under $10k, I see that as an investment, something I'll keep for a few years). 
In addition I will be building packages on my own workstation and later on push 
them to production. In order to test my distribution and/or packages, something 
like Xen would be appreciated.

What are reasonable choices these days for a very fast OpenSolaris workstation? 
Sun Ultra 40, Ultra 45? Dual/Quad Woodcrest or Dual/Quad AMD64 or maybe Dual 
Sparc (I understand that crosscompilation will be available soon?) please let 
me know, and if you do already own such screamer, please let me know how long 
it takes to compile an OpenSolaris build on your box.

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