Our V890 server reported a memory fault, rebooted, and now shows the following:

csgams08:~>sudo fmadm faulty
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
Mar 11 00:21:46 7acef7a1-6c9e-49db-9b03-ff6f0d5f911d  SUN4U-8000-35  Critical 

Fault class : fault.memory.bank 95%
Affects     : mem:///unum=Slot,B:J8100,J8101,J8201,J8200
                  degraded but still in service
FRU         : mem:///unum=Slot,B:J8100,J8101,J8201,J8200 95%
Serial ID.  : 

Description : The number of errors associated with this memory module has
              exceeded acceptable levels.  Refer to
              http://sun.com/msg/SUN4U-8000-35 for more information.

Response    : Pages of memory associated with this memory module are being
              removed from service as errors are reported.

Impact      : Total system memory capacity will be reduced as pages are

Action      : Schedule a repair procedure to replace the affected memory
              module. Use fmdump -v -u <EVENT_ID> to identify the module.

We've scheduled the replacement already, but I want to understand whether fmd 
has effectively disabled these dimms until such time as we run "fmadm repair". 
In other words, is it likely that we'll get another failure/reboot before we 
can schedule the maintenance? If so, I guess we'll try and asr-disable these 
dimms to minimize the risk.

Please advise.

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