I support Solaris and I have no idea what is going on with Open... I check here 
daily now just like the rest of you.

@bjones: I suggest that you push back on your SAM re this point...daily.

@darren08: Opening SR's on this as Sev 1/2 will not do much to speed things 
along I am afraid.  The classification system is so badly misused/abused by 
customers that I must admit that I triage my assigns and apply my own internal 
classification based upon my assessment of each issue (taking into account, of 
course, the customer's contact level and their respective SLA).  This is not to 
say do not open them, just make sure that you provide a good clear problem 
description, cite relevant CRs and ask that the issue be sent straight to the 
back line OS tier for treatment.



ray dot mroz AT oracle dot com
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