Hi guys, I'm a middle manager at Sun.  I figured you wouldn't know I'm 
out here if I didn't speak up, so here I go.  I manage the globalization 
team in Beijing and lots of people in my team contribute to 
OpenSolaris.  I read every single posting on this forum. 

- melanie

Ché Kristo wrote:
>> Shawn Walker wrote:
>> http://directorymanager.wordpress.com/2007/11/28/an-op
>> en-letter-to-the-opends-community-and-to-sun-microsyst
>> ems/
>> You know, I'm wondering why you chose to write that
>> subject line, Shawn. 
>> There are no middle managers here on these lists.
>> There are only project 
>> managers who are directly involved in OpenSolaris and
>> engineers of one 
>> sort or another trying to do a difficult job on both
>> sides of the 
>> firewall. How do you expect us Sun employees to react
>> to mail like this? 
>> Do you think we will all just pile on? Should we just
>> ignore it? Do you 
>> think we know the inside story and are keeping it
>> from you? We don't, by 
>> the way.
>> Don't you guys realize that this is the single most
>> effective way of 
>> decreasing your credibility while at the same time
>> decreasing the 
>> participation of the very people you need to be
>> interacting with? This 
>> is so disappointing.
>> Jim
>> -- 
>> Jim Grisanzio http://blogs.sun.com/jimgris
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>> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
>> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
> Jim, it's not often that I disagree with your insights but on this I find 
> myself firmly in opposition. Let's be realistic here, Sun of late has been 
> acting like a benevolent dictator within this community. So many decisions 
> have been made with little to no consultation or involvement with the 
> community. There have been numerous times where Sun has either forced it's 
> will upon the community, kept the community in the dark or outright abandoned 
> projects with little to no communication. Sun has broken it's social contract 
> in this and other communities. 
> If you think that posts such as Shawn's are disappointing then i am truly 
> disappointed. Dissent is healthy - where would the world be without those who 
> bravely speak against injustice. Are you disappointed with Bonhoeffer, 
> Wilberforce or Gandhi?
> Shawn is not sending this out because he wants Sun employees to feel lesser, 
> he is not trying to send this community down a spiral of chaos - what he is 
> trying to do is help this community realize and address it's faults. 
> Particularly Sun and the way it interacts with the community.
> And as for the poor excuse that no middle managers read these forums - let's 
> just hope that the community kicks up enough of a stink that they do sit up 
> and listen.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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