On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 02:03:40PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ultimately, I'd like to see it removed.
> *Everyone* should be a contributor or able to be one.

Everyone can.  A Contributor is, not to be glib, someone who has
contributed.  Removing barriers to contribution is something we should
be trying to do.  Simply lying and saying that people who haven't
contributed anything are Contributors seems counterproductive.

> I don't think we need (or should need) arbitrary "badges" to
> stick on people that are otherwise meaningless.

The Constitution says that anyone who's had code or documentation
integrated, or been recognised specially by a Community Group, is a
Contributor.  If you don't believe the Community Groups of which
you're a Core Contributor should offer special recognition, then
don't.  If you don't like the idea of simply recognising people for
having done something useful, propose a constitutional amendment.
Personally, I don't understand what this is hurting as it is.

> About the best I could come up with would be to do a dump of
> people in the software part of the organisation that have the
> relevant employee level (I think Z*?) to indicate they're an engineer
> and not a mangler.

Beyond the privacy concerns Alan noted, this test is also incorrect -
many line managers are also Z*, and there are engineers with E ranks.
Not to mention that all of this is a Sun implementation detail that
has nothing whatever to do with OpenSolaris.

> I'd encourage the OGB to consider taking action to make the
> code review site, cr.opensolaris.org, more easily available to
> a greater number of community members.

That seems like a reasonable request...perhaps the people responsible
for it would like to share their thoughts on the matter.  I expect
they had a good reason for making the choices they made.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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