On Feb 16, 2008 8:41 AM, Al Snow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   1. My 17" flat screen is too small for the language choices screen.

This issue has either been logged or resolved in developer preview 2
that was just released.

>   2. I have no idea what "Took interface e1000g0 down" means.

I believe it means that your network interface was inactivated by OpenSolaris.

>   3. When I picked on "Install OpenSolaris", I see no disks listed.
>     I looks on the OpenSolaris web site to see how to solve this,
>     but did not see anything. This is probably a PC issue, but
>     it would be good to at least point folks to a solution so the
>     overall user experience is good. So I quit out of the install.

This likely means that you have your hard drives connected via a SATA
(Serial ATA) interface or some other hardware that is not yet

Please provide as much specific information as you can about your
system, and file a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org/

>   4. Finally I clicked on system icon on top of the screen and then
>     clicked on Shutdown. I got this error message: "User does not
>      have permission to use gnome-sys-suspend command". Also
>      I finally noticed it said that it would shutdown in 60 seconds,
>      so I waited and got the above error message again. Next I
>      brought up a terminal and "su root" and typed shutdown, but
>      that did not work either. I hate shutting down a system without
>      permission.

This issue has been resolved in developer preview 2.

You can get it here, if you are able:


>  I'm sure that some of these issues have been fixed, but if not,
>  I have contributed.

I know the members of the Indiana project always appreciate this feedback!

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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