this is not a good place for this. if you look to, you
will find a whole set of forums for discussion of guest OS's. in fact
there is a minix3 community of users there.

good luck,

kevin wrote:
> Sorry, since I'm new to this forum, I don't know where should I ask this 
> question.
> Firstly, thanks to all that help me figure out how to suspend the solaris on 
> my laptop. It's so fast to suspend it. I am wondering now, why XP suspends 
> itself so slow and write so lot of things to the disk. I saw my disk keeps on 
> writing when suspend XP and I don't know what it writes.
> Secondly, about VirtualBox.
> I am reading the book "The Unix Programming Environment" written by Kernighan 
> and Pike 24 years ago. Most of its content are dated, but still it's a very 
> nice reading. In order to practice some examples, I decided to run a Minix 3 
> in VirtualBox, because Minix has a more similar internal system calls like 
> the one described in the book. 
> Now my problem is: I can't even shutdown Minix. It keeps on rebooting after 
> shutdown. I don't know if it is my mistake in configuring VirtualBox or it's 
> the problem inside Minix and VirtualBox.
> --
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