Hi Folks,

After Belenix 0.8 Alpha which included exciting features such as the
Google Widgets, Webkit, and KDE 4.2.4 -- all built with GCC 4.4.0 in
addition to Gnome 2.26, BeleniX 0.8 Beta1 is now available with
improvements (bug fixes and functionality) to the KDE 4.3.1 desktop
and other apps and new package additions. You need to use the Network
Installer in order to install this 0.8 Beta1 Release.
The Network Installer will Not touch your current environment in any
way. It creates a new Boot Environment and installs into that. Your
current environment remains as the default one.

Here are the simple steps:

1) You need to be either running the OpenSolaris distro (at least 2008.11)
   or BeleniX 0.7.1.
2) Download:  wget http://www.belenix.org/binfiles/install_belenix
3) Execute:  chmod +x ./install_belenix;  pfexec ./install_belenix
4) You can run   ./install_belenix -help  to see a list of the options.
5) The default icon set is Tango. You can install Oxygen Icons using:
 pfexec spkg install oxygen-icons
 and change it in the Appearance settings.

If you are already running BeleniX 0.8 Alpha, then you can upgrade
to the Beta1 release by doing the following:
1) pfexec pkgrm SFEspkg
2) pfexec pkgadd -d http://www.belenix.org/binfiles/SFEspkg.pkg
3) pfexec spkg updatecatalog
4) pfexec spkg upgrade all trunk
5) Reboot into the new boot environment.

This release has several packages updated and new ones added most built
with Gcc 4.4.1 with a few built using SUN Studio 12. A partial
list below -

Based on OpenSolaris source drop for B114, soon to be updated to B124.

KDE 4.3.1 suite,  Wine 1.1.30,  GCC 4.4.1 (+ Graphite)
Amarok2, Digikam,  Kcoloredit,  Kdevelop4 Beta,
Kgrab,  Kgraphviewer,  Koffice 2.1 RC1
Updated functional KsysGuard
Policykit,  Updated Pyqt4 (Demos work out of the box)
Quassel IRC Client
Rdesktop,  Slocate,  XULRunner
Xplanet,  LibEMF, BOOST
GNU Triangulated Surface Library,
Ktorrent,  Kphotoalbum
Scons,  CABExtract

Latest LZMA package providing XZ utils.
Fixed Apache2 crash and rebuilt with GCC 4.4.1 but with SFW build recipe
and dtrace patches.
Updated Nvidia driver. Also include Gnome 2.26 and libX11 built with XCB
Optimized Python 2.6 build with working ipython.
Fix for Gamin weirdness causing KDE4 hangs.
Fixed Poppler crash.

BilliardGL,  FlightGear
AssaultCube,  SauerBraten
Scorched3D,  SuperTuxKart
VDrift,  Battle for Wesnoth
Xlincity,  Danger from the Deep

Other 3D graphical applications and libraries:
Celestia (1.6),  Stellarium,
Sweet Home 3D (http://www.sweethome3d.eu/index.jsp)
Free-CAD (http://free-cad.sourceforge.net/)
GTK GL Extension
OpenSceneGraph (http://www.openscenegraph.org/)
Coin3D,  SoQt - Qt bindings for Coin3D
Simage - Coin3D imaging support library
Open Dynamics Engine

Known issues:
Using Oxygen desktop theme causes text labels to disappear. Oxygen
Icon theme works.
OpenOffice fails to start with XIO error (needs a rebuild, you can
use Koffice 2.1).

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