
This is Ashok Kumar, a newbie to Open Solaris.

Luckily, i got a chance to contribute on One Laptop Per Child project.

Currently the whole olpc team is working on linux.

but i am interested on Open Solaris, and i want port opensolaris to OLPC boards.

It won't be much deal, because it is x86 compatible and just i started to study.

you can get details about olpc here, http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Home

i feel that,a separate "community" or "a mailing list under user group community" for Open solaris discussion would be useful for the people who is interested on OLPC boards.

similarly i want to create a mailing list on laptop.org also, by having a link to each other will be useful to search OLPC related activities on Open solaris. If any newbie comes to any one of the mailing list, immediately he can come to know about other one. so i will talk on OLPC mailing list and will get back to you.

why, the preference to opensolais.org/os website?

i can create some mailing list on some other website, and i can provide link on olpc wiki also. it won't be good.
Because The OLPC and Opensolaris websites are like banyan tree, well known,every newbie will give preference to these websites only. So i want to have branch from here itself. Creating a mailing list on these website will not only make sense, but also the work what i am doing? and in future what others will do?, also will be safe. if i am quiting from this, some body can take and continue.
Mr.Moinak Ghosh(i hope, everyone knows about him) also interested on OLPC boards and many others like me.

I hope, you will provide a branch from this Banyan tree to grow.

i am expecting suggestion from every one..

so please respond


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