There's been some confusion over the upcoming changes as SXCE ends while
Nevada builds continue to be published to the IPS package repositories,
so this is an attempt to clear up some of that.   (Just in case it's unclear,
I am writing this is as an engineer trying to explain our work - I am not any
sort of official spokesman, nor am I announcing any policy changes.)

What's changing at build 131:

    - The OS install images will only be available in IPS packaged formats.
        This means installs will be done via LiveCD (x86) or Automated
        Installer (SPARC or x86) - the old Install DVD, network install,
        jumpstart, and live upgrade all rely on the SXCE/SVR4 packaged
        images, which will not be available after build 130.

    Most consolidations provide the same packages via both mechanisms,
    though the IPS versions have some changes, such as merging the
    split / (root) and /usr filesystem packages into one combined package.

    A number of packages that were already scheduled for removal from the
    next release of Solaris, or which are not redistributable due to third
    party license encumbrances, are not included in the IPS repositories.

    For instance, for X, we've not packaged Xsun or the legacy SPARC graphics
    drivers in IPS format, so once this changeover is done, SPARC
    platforms will only have Xorg, and only have the graphics drivers for
    astfb (AST2000, 2100), efb (XVR-50, 100, 300), and kfb (XVR-2500).

    CDE has similarly only had IPS conversions done of the packages for
    the non-EOF portions (Motif, Tooltalk, dtksh, etc.) and most of the
    CDE desktop applications & environment will go away in the transition.

What's not changing at build 131:

    - Build schedules - still every two weeks (except at holidays), still
        following the same Nevada build schedule and build sequence - the
        builds continue to be numbered "snv_131", "snv_132", etc.

        for the ongoing schedules for when the code freezes occur and the
        packages are delivered to the release engineers who build the ISO
        images and IPS repositories.   As before, these are *build* schedules,
        not release schedules, and release of the built product remains about
        two weeks behind the build date shown.

    - Bug tracking - the release is still "solaris_nevada", and the builds
        have the same names as before.   Developers won't start ignoring
        all "nevada" bugs, but once the changeover happens bugs that only
        affect the SVR4 install methods (live upgrade, pkghistory, postinstall
        scripts, etc.) may be either marked with the "no-snv+" keyword
        to indicate they are not Nevada bugs if they affect prior releases
        of Solaris, or closed as will-not-fix if they only applied to the
        Nevada versions.

        Bugs for most of the OS should still be filed into Sun's bugster
        database via the website, though
        IPS, OpenSolaris Installation, and Desktop bugs should continue to
        be filed in the bugzilla database at

    - Code repositories - the Nevada gates/repositories for all the
        consolidations will still be used - onnv for ON, XW_NV for X,
        sfwnv for SFW, etc.

    - The packages created by building the code - for the next few builds,
        all consolidations will continue to generate SVR4 packages for their
        builds, and the IPS team will continue to convert them to IPS, just
        as they have been since the IPS builds started for the first
        OpenSolaris release.

        ON will be changing generate IPS packages first, after the 2010.03
        release of OpenSolaris, as noted in:
        The rest of the consolidations will change in later builds, once
        we see what issues ON hits, and the necessary infrastructure is
        in place for delivering IPS packages from consolidations to the
        central Release Engineering repository.  X, Desktop, & SFW are next
        in line after ON, and have been working with Liane & the ON/IPS team
        on planning for our changeovers.

I hope this helps with confusion people have had - if not, try asking
your questions on the appropriate OpenSolaris.Org mailing list or web

        -Alan Coopersmith- 
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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