I have a laptop, running OpenSolaris 128a:

System Configuration: TOSHIBA Satellite Pro P300
BIOS Configuration: TOSHIBA V2.70    04/14/2008

I've just got myself a pair of headphones with mic for your normal audio use, 
but I can't get OpenSolaris to see the mic.  I *think* I've tried everything, 
but I'm just checking.

In WIndows (Vista), you plug the mic in, and it takes it by default it seems, 
so it definitely works.

In OpenSolaris, it always seems to use the builtin (useless) mic.
Under the volume control there are two devices, 
audiohd#0 (OSS v4 Audio Mixer) and
audiohd#1 (OSS v4 Audio MIxer).
I've tried selecting both.  mixerctl says
$ /usr/sbin/mixerctl -C
DEVICE           CONTROL                  VALUE      POSSIBLE            
audiohd#1        volume                   75         0-100               
Bad enum index 10 for control 'record-source'
audiohd#0        volume                   88         0-100               
audiohd#0        speaker                  75:75      0-100:0-100         
audiohd#0        headphones               75:75      0-100:0-100         
audiohd#0        rear                     75:75      0-100:0-100         
audiohd#0        mic                      86:86      0-100:0-100         
audiohd#0        beep                     75         0-100               
audiohd#0        record-source            mic        mic                 

Any ideas ?  What can I try ?

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