
Another short version - I'm not sure this is an indication of the lack
of time I have for summarizing the lists right now with various travel
commitments, or just the actual content being sent to the mailing lists.
Is this a useful service to people to keep continuing?



> Roy Fielding mailed [1] to say that he had completed the 2nd draft of the
> OpenSolaris constitution, asking for feedback. Roy also queried [2] the
> role of the ARC and consolidations in the governance model, saying that
> these should not be present in the document due to their involvement in
> a release process, and thus technical in nature.
> 1. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/private/cab-discuss/2006-July/000553.html
> 2. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/private/cab-discuss/2006-July/000559.html
> Damien Carbery announced [3] that build 44b of JDS Vermillion was now
> available.
> 3. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/desktop-discuss/2006-July/001482.html
> Colin Zou proposed [4] a project for wireless USB support, to deliver a 
> framework, some device drivers and configuration tools.
> 4. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-discuss/2006-July/018099.html
> Erast Benson announced [5] that zones have now been fully integrated with 
> Nexenta.
> 5. 
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-discuss/2006-July/018123.html
> Moinak Ghosh announced [6] that BelaniX 0.4.4 was now available, including the
> integration of an I/O scheduler for the HSFS module which enhances CD/DVD
> read performance delivering a 24 second reduction in LiveCD boot time.
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