Hi Radu -

If you are inquiring about documentation, some of us in the community are just beginning to address the need for a documentation project on the OpenSolaris site and welcome input on how this could be developed.

If you have a documentation contribution in mind, feel free to contact me, and I'll help you get started. Or perhaps Shawn has answered your question...


Shawn Walker wrote:
On 7/27/05, Radu Parvu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wonder how can we start working? I cannot find any list of assignments or 

Go to bugs.opensolaris.org and use the keyword "oss-bite-size" to find
fairly easy to fix bugs where the analysis has often already been
done. Make sure you check the request-sponsor discussion forum before
looking at one to see if it's already been taken first.

As well, is it needed to have installed Solaris 10 or Open Solaris in order to 
work in the project?
I have Solaris 9 x86 and I do not wish to upgrade yet.

You need build 16 or later of Solaris Express to work with the
OpenSolaris sources.

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