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Approved: dandy13

>  has anyone else tried (or have any advice on) 
> installing solaris on a dual-boot system, so they have winxp and 
> opensolaris residing on the physical disk, and then trying to boot the 
> physical opensolaris partition from under vmware running on winxp?
> When I tried this, solaris paniced.

That won't work.

vmware emulates a complete x86 system, and this is a completely different
hardware environment from the physical host system that is running the vmware

The physical device path for the root disk will be different in the vmware 
emulated hardware environment and the system's real hardware environment.
Most likely Solaris is unable to mount the root filesystem because the 
/dev/dsk/cX*dYsZ disk device points to a non-existing physical device.
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