On 11/18/05, mx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the nforce4 chip set use a Marvel NIC which is not supported.
> I filed a bug on this and was informed that it does not work.

No, the ethernet provided by the nForce4 chipset is made by nVidia and
works with the driver Casper posted.  Your motherboard maker may have
put a Marvel adapter on it as well.  If your board has two RJ-45 plugs
on the back, then you're in luck, because one of those should be the
nVidia adapter and will work after you load the driver for it, if it's
not loaded already.  If not, you either have a really bizzare nForce
motherboard that I've never seen before, or its not a Marvel setup
like you think.  Btw, in the future you might want to put the model of
the particular board you're using in your post, it might people in
helping you figure out your problem.

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