[osol-discuss] Re: Sun ONE Studio 11 speed ? Integer ops ? floating point ?

2006-01-08 Thread UNIX admin
Sun Studio 11 compiler *CRUSHED* GCC 4 on x86/x64. It generated far shorter and better optimized code. Interestingly enough, Visual Studio C compiler had the tightest code of all. BTW, to test, just compile with -S and you'll get assembler source out. Then you can look at it and compare side

[osol-discuss] Re: Sun ONE Studio 11 speed ? Integer ops ? floating point ?

2006-01-06 Thread Daniel Johnsen
Could be interesting to see a compiler shootout between: SUN Studio 11, gcc3.4, gcc4.02 [amd64 + sparc] + Intel C Compiler, Pathscale [amd64] I expect Sun's compiler to be the clear winner on sparc against gcc. But about amd64 ... this might be interesting, especially against Pathscale. Programs