Hi, I'm currently (and temporarily) online again, after a 
"business-deal"-travel related interruption.
I found that parts of my original statement may sound ambiguous. I would like 
to correct this now.

Martin Bochnig wrote:
> The funniest thing: I'm still only a plain
> contributor in the xwin-community, so is Moinak
> Ghosh!!!
> Hell, what a joke.

This was 100% PRO-Moinak, not contra!!!
Moinak Ghosh has made FOX self-hosting, has added many client-libs and -apps to 
the FOX Makefile framework. He has donated his changes to Xorg from BeleniX to 
Indiana and, as far as I know, is chief-developer responsible for FOX on 
Indiana-x64/x86. (Plus, of course, all his other essential contributions beyond 
xwin, such as clofi, hsfs-readahead, microroot etc etc etc!) In my view this 
should make him a core contributor on xwin and/or indiana. But isnt't indiana a 
project, rather than a community? Didn't we vote to give project leaders more 
grants last February? It looks like nothing has changed since then, anyways not 
into the right direction. When watching  http://poll.opensolaris.org/ you will 
see, that Moinak has only a single core contributor title and two plain 
"contributor" titles. That shows that this system isn't properly set-up.

(posted through jive to ogb-discuss and opensolaris-discuss)
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