I'm happy to anounce that Ben Rockwood, Director of Systems, Joyent Inc., and 
long time Solaris/OpenSolaris supporter and advocate of OpenSolaris in our 
community, will tell exactly why Joyent doesn't fsck. In fact, Joyent uses 
OpenSolaris so they don't fsck! This will be the first time we hear from a 
community development using OpenSolaris.

As many of you know, Ben has been one of the early supporters of OpenSolaris, 
and with his role at Joyent is making a difference by using OpenSolaris. 
Joyent has been one of the vocal companies to advocate ZFS use on production 

I'd like to see more folks from the community offer to speak, if you think 
your company has something to offer which is related to OpenSolaris, please 
let me know and we'll try to setup a meeting for you to present to, either 
short or full presentation. 

 When: Thursday, Jan. 25st, 2006
Where: Sun's Santa Clara Campus Auditorium (upstairs)
 What: Why Joyent doesn't fsck?
 Time: 7:30pm-10:00pm
  Map: http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/aland/scasj_dirmap.pdf

Call-in Info:

Toll Free: 866-545-5227
Intnl/pay: 865-673-6950
Conference: 809-64-14

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