
> The packages from the companion cd, or blastave or sunfreeware will all be 
> regular solaris packages. I guess that Steve as gatekeeper will be 
> responsible for building the actual packages, so the community effort will 
> be mainly around the source.
> However a packaging community would better enable us to discus how to build 
> packages. For example what variables actually do what in a pkginfo file 
> regarding zones installation. Or as Rich mentioned earlier 'some people 
> might not like the way Blastwave sticks everything under /opt/csw' - even 
> putting some things under /usr and other under /opt and /etc can be 
> problematic. This might be valuable if there was scope for external 
> developers to submit packages for sanity testing/auditing for the companion 
> CD, or even for Steve to delegate some package creation.

Right - I completely agree. We also have a rule within GNOME/JDS that
really forces us to use original community released tarballs, and apply
patches *on top of that*. This means that we don't fork the codebase,
and obviously we have a lot less code to have to manage. I'd very much
encourage this new change of direction - it's a *lot* less painful when
updating the versions.

But yeah, we're probably getting technical now ;)


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