Some freeware packages will build successfully on Solaris with little or no 
(kudos to their developers who went to some extra effort to achieve either 
portability or
multi-os customization).  Others, for which there may be no viable alternative 
Solaris, do not.

Some coordination of porting efforts and feedback to project leaders might 
this situation considerably.  From both a practicality and a PR standpoint, 
should help make this more achievable.  For the former,  source adds to the 
for troubleshooting, driver development, etc.  For the latter, those who have an
ideological problem with spending their time porting their apps to 
non-open-source OSs
have (at least sometimes) been answered.

For those that don't require special hardware (i.e. the first of the three I 
list below),
some access to any development/build farm would be great, so that some (such as
the project developers) wouldn't necessarily need to set up their own Solaris 
Zones on the publicly available development system could make this fairly 
perhaps the setup of a clean zone could be automated such that one could be 
on request, and (given sufficient resources) kept in place as long as the 
provided regular progress reports.  When they were done, they could tar up any 
they might need to pick up where they left off on some future update, and the 
and contents could be deleted to make room for the next project.

Let me throw out a few examples that I think should be feasible, if a bit 
difficult; the
latter two (of which the first is a prerequisite for at least one) are items I 
know I'd
like to have, but they're beyond my present expertise and available time.

* wxpython  (not enough configuration hooks, for starters)

* bitpim [cell phone upload/download software] (would require Solaris 9+libusb 
and ugen,
or Solaris 10 or later, even for usb-only functionality; for serial 
functionality, would require
the equivalent of the Linux cdc-acm driver.  Probably needs configuration work 

* tilp [TI calculator upload/download software] (presently stuck on compilation 
problems with libticables component; who knows what other problems may crop up)

Comments?  Ideas on how or where to coordinate apps of sufficient interest, 
sign up
porters, involve project developers, etc?
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