
I have T2000 server with firmware 6_4_6 and runs Solaris 10 11/06 + patched to 
118833-36. Two of the four onboard ports are established to the network and 
each wire has two VLANs on it. VLAN ID 120/121 and VLAN 148/149 respectively. 
LDOMs are configured in this box. One control domain (service & I/O also) and 
two guest domains. The two guest domain runs one sparse zone on top of it, 
where applications will be actually ported. 

The network configuration in control domain as follows,

primary-vsw0 -> e1000g0
primary-vsw1 -> e1000g1

I have binded vsw121000 and e1000g148001. vnet1 from vsw0 and vnet2 from vsw1 
are assigned to guest domain #1 and #2.  

In guest domain #1, 

I have binded vnet121000 and vnet148001. Used vnet12000:1 and vnet148001:1 in 

in guest domain #2,

I have binded vnet121000 and vnet148001. Used 121000:1 and vnet149001:1 in 

Now, what exactly I face issues is 

(1) All ssh/ping communications are workin well
(2) When i do ftp to the Control domain, it works well. 
(3) When i do ftp to either guest domains, zones from a Windows desktop, it 
establishes the connection, but hangs when i initiate transfer or doesnt 
transfer at all. After some time, connection gets dropped.
(4) I tried to check with NFS, made controler domain as NFS server, mounts in 
client, but during transfer, same problem.   

I would like to know why the transfers are not happening. 

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