My setup:
  Athlon64 2.2Ghz 3400+|Aopen AK86-L mobo|(Topped out at 3GB ram)
  4 500gb IDE drvs  on IDE builtin controllers
  2 750 gb Sata II on PCI sata controller
    (Adaptec 1205sa (Sil3112a chip)

  Currently running: SunOS 5.11 snv_110 i86pc
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I want to use inputrc from the readline tools.

When I attempt to use any of the commands I have in one from another
os, I just get an xterm flash.

Maybe I need to install the readline from SunFreeware?

I did try that but once installed.. I'm not sure how to make usable by
bash.  It installs in /opt/sfw/  and it appears /opt/sfw/lib/ is where 
the action is... the libraries don't seem like the kind of thing I
would just add to PATH.

So can anyone tell me the procedure?

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