Ok, The Acer I bought specifically to experiment with Open Solaris (OS) with, 
has some rather new devices, that OS 2009.06 does not natively support.
There are so many pages here at O.S. that I got lost and couldn't find my way 
back to some drivers that were posted.
I'm not a programmer or developer, but it would be nice if O.S. home page had a 
index page, to go to so you can scroll and find what you're looking for.
Just an idea. but it's up to you. Again maybe I missed it.
Anyway.   Couldn't find the drivers I wanted or needed. Played with this all 
day.Got frustrated.
Downloaded the 2010 developers edition. Little smoother install with more 
options, but have no idea what those other menu items are, what they do, or 
should I go back and click on them.
But it recognized my ethernet right off. I use link sys and a wireless internet 
It saw my neighbors wireless also, he's a 100yards away.
But I don't think it saw the internet itself. I tried to google search and it 
kept shutting down firefox. It does have more menu items.
will try more later today.
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