I was fascinated to see pdp11 type files created by the Studio 11 compiler. 
At least that is what "file" reports.

The command line was :

bash-3.1$ cc -\# -xtarget=opteron -xarch=amd64 -xstrconst -xildoff -xlibmil
-Xa -xbuiltin=\%all -xO3 -xdepend=yes -xinline=sinl -i
-xtemp=/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64 -keeptmp -o s ../s.c
-xlic_lib=sunperf -lsunmath -lm

and the output files are :

bash-3.1$ cc -\# -xtarget=opteron -xarch=amd64 -xstrconst -xildoff -xlibmil
-Xa -xbuiltin=\%all -xO3 -xdepend=yes -xinline=sinl -i
-xtemp=/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64 -keeptmp -o s ../s.c
-xlic_lib=sunperf -lsunmath -lm
### Note: NLSPATH =
### Note: TMPDIR = /export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64
###     command line files and options (expanded):
### -keeptmp -Xa -xarch=amd64 -xbuiltin=%all -xcache=64/64/2:1024/64/16
-xchip=opteron -xdepend -xinline=sinl -xlibmil -xO3 -xstrconst
-xtemp=/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64 -i ../s.c
-xlic_lib=sunperf -lsunmath -lm -o s
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/acomp -xldscope=global -i ../s.c
-xir_types -o
/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64/acompAAA.26430.OfaWNZ -r
/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64/acompBAA.26430.PfaWNZ -arrayloc
-xdbggen=no%stabs+dwarf2+usedonly -strconst -xinline=sinl -xdbggen=incl
-xarch=amd64 -fparam_ir -O3 -Qy -D__SunOS_5_10 -D__SUNPRO_C=0x580 -D__SVR4
-D__unix -D__sun -D__x86_64 -D__x86_64__ -D__amd64 -D__amd64__
-Dunix -Dsun -D__RESTRICT -xbuiltin=%all -xc99=%all,no%lib
-D__FLT_EVAL_METHOD__=0 -I/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/include/cc
"-g/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/cc -xtarget=opteron -xarch=amd64
-xstrconst -xildoff -xlibmil -Xa -xbuiltin=%all -xO3 -xdepend=yes
-xinline=sinl -i -xtemp=/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64 -keeptmp
-xlic_lib=sunperf -lsunmath -lm -c " -fsimple=0 -destination_ir=iropt
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/iropt -F -o
-N/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64/iroptCAA.26430.QfaWNZ -is
/export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64/acompBAA.26430.PfaWNZ -fstore
-xarch=amd64 "-xcache=64/64/2:1024/64/16" -xchip=opteron -fsimple=0
-xvector=no -depend -xbuiltin=%all -O3 -I -Qy
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/ir2hf -verbose -xarch=amd64
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/fbe -O3 -xbuiltin -Qy
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/ube -iropt -verbose -O3 -s -xbuiltin
-fsimple=0 -ZW -fstore -fbe /opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/fbe -il
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64/libm.il -xarch=amd64
"-xcache=64/64/2:1024/64/16" -xchip=opteron -xvector=no
-xthreadvar=no%dynamic -Qy -comdat -o s.o
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/bin/fbe -s -o s.o -Qy -warn=%none
-xarch=amd64 -xmodel=small -xchip=opteron
rm /export/medusa/dclarke/build/sinewave/amd64/HAAZkaqOZ
### Note: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = <null>
### Note: LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 = <null>
### Note: LD_RUN_PATH = <null>
/usr/ccs/bin/ld /opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64/crti.o
/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64/values-xa.o -o s -i s.o -lsunperf
-lfui -lfai -lfsu -lmtsk -lsunmath -lm -lsunmath -lm -Y
-Qy "-R/opt/studio/SOS11/SUNWspro/lib/amd64:/opt/SUNWspro/lib/amd64" -lc

bash-3.1$ ls -lap
total 440
drwxr-xr-x   2 dclarke  csw         1024 Jan 15 12:29 ./
drwxr-xr-x   9 dclarke  csw          512 Jan 15 11:48 ../
-rw-------   1 dclarke  csw         6744 Jan 15 12:29 acompAAA.26430.OfaWNZ
-rw-------   1 dclarke  csw        62615 Jan 15 12:29 acompBAA.26430.PfaWNZ
-rw-------   1 dclarke  csw            0 Jan 15 12:29 iroptCAA.26430.QfaWNZ
-rw-------   1 dclarke  csw        58472 Jan 15 12:29 iroptDAA.26430.RfaWNZ
-rw-------   1 dclarke  csw        58884 Jan 15 12:29 iroptEAA.26430.SfaWNZ
-rw-r--r--   1 dclarke  csw         4393 Jan 15 12:26 readme
-rwxr-xr-x   1 dclarke  csw        12480 Jan 15 12:29 s
-rw-r--r--   1 dclarke  csw         9200 Jan 15 12:29 s.o

bash-3.1$ file *
acompAAA.26430.OfaWNZ: assembler program text
acompBAA.26430.PfaWNZ: pdp11/pre System V vax executable not stripped
iroptCAA.26430.QfaWNZ: empty file
iroptDAA.26430.RfaWNZ: pdp11/pre System V vax executable not stripped
iroptEAA.26430.SfaWNZ: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable 80386 Version 1
readme: ascii text
s: ELF 64-bit LSB executable AMD64 Version 1 [SSE2 SSE FXSR FPU],
dynamically linked, not stripped
s.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [SSE2 FPU]

     -->>   pdp11/pre System V vax executable not stripped  <<--

 really ?


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