> >Ah, that is what I asked you a few lines above.
> >Yeah.
> >Or loaded via Grub1 floppy, where no PXE is present.
> >And then interfacing with the NIC directly.
> >Damn, I had been hoping from outside (never worked through the grub
> sources) this would be handled
>  similarily with a certain set of USB controllers.
> >Not so    :-(
> Well, loading grub from floppy and then using USB boot could be possible.
> Casper

Maybe one doesn't believe me that late: I always had a picture of a 
Floppy-/CD-/DVD-/HDD- booted Grub1 (2?) in mind, and __then__ booting from USB 
(or maybe even ieee1394a) - whether it is on top of the firmware, or 
implemented nativiely into Grub itself.
(I also mean the plain Grub command line, with no cosmetic menu set up at all.)

Remember, that I didn't have a PC until recently (and the U20 is hardly powered 
My memories go back to May2005, when I netbooted the first newboot based 
Solaris10-Express via a self build Grub 0.95 on SunPCi_2_pro (with no PXE 
activated[completely cut down, no way]).
I also have a Genesi ppc ODW  (and Grub2), put didn't come to it very much, 

I did - however - never assume, I could load Grub itself via USB.
Would be kind of chicken and egg problem, that's clear.

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