> It was one of the biggest shocks to me when I moved from the 
> U.S.  Germany is particularly bad, sysadmins and consultants 
> there are slapping Windows on vanilla PCs by the cartloads.  
> When something needs done fast, the first thought is to slap 
> Windows on "because it's so easy and fast".

I can confirm that (as a sys admin). When we need to get a new application
up-n-running fast, the only way for most of the people working at the IT
dept is using Windows, everything else is just too cryptic. However, we have
made progress and using Linux for our main SAP systems (and thanx god no
more windows) - but Solaris is still out of sight (from a managers point of
view, not mine).

I´m pretty sure that it would get used more if it wasn´t that cryptic for
the not-so-deep-into-it-stuff-people to set up a mirror with svm or to
create a filesystem on a fibrechannel connected device without really
knowing how to interpret format, fdisk, fcinfo and the like. It is just too
difficult and the learning curve is too steep. There´s actually not even a
nice and nifty gui to create users and groups. 

Don´t get me wrong, I´m not blaming. I wanted to teach my all Windows and
Unix collegue how to set up a SAP instance on Solaris (compared to Linux) -
and he was just smashed what needs to be taken care of before you can even
think of starting the installation program.

And again (what I´ve said before in the discussion): Solaris needs a nice
gui, like SAM on HP-UX or smit(ty) on AIX, both cli and gui, at best both
combined - so people will get the idea of "hey, that´s as easy as on

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