My system specs are:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1.5 GB RAM
Asus A8S-X Motherboard with Intel 82540EM LAN
Nvidia GeForce 6200TC PCI-Express
40GB Maxtor PATA HDD (I wan't to put Opensolaris here)
250GB Maxtor SATA HDD (For Windows XP and data)
USB Mouse
USB Keyboard
Samsung Syncmaster 930BF 19" 1280x1024 connected with DVI

When I boot the Opensolaris LiveCD I can get past the language selection, but I 
do not get to the GNOME desktop. Instead I am left with a login prompt at the 
console. After about a minute of further CD activity, the system hangs (the 
keyboard cannot be used and I have to hit the reset button to reboot).
I have tried using PS/2 adaptors for my mouse and keyboard, disabling APIC, 
USB2 in the BIOS settings, but nothing works.

And I have checked the md5 and it's OK

Can anyone help me, please?
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