
I don't know if any other person met this issue.
I use openssl1.0.0e, and working on dtls, in client side,  if I
set SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU);
SSL_set_mtu(ss_ssl, 1500);
I met a segmentation fault on the client side, using gdb I saw the error
happens in:


And if I remove  SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU);
SSL_set_mtu(ssl, 1500);

It worked well.

For the same program if I run in Openssl 0.9.8e, it worked well
with set SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU);
SSL_set_mtu(ss_ssl, 1500);

So I am thinking this may be a bug in Openssl 1.0.0e.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Huaqing Wang

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