Hi All,
I am using the latest openssl library openssl.0.9.5a with stunnel-3.8p2.
when i used to connect to the server i am getting the following error.
Could anyone look into this and give me some solution please.
LOG7[878:1] Jun 28 10:23:13: before/accept initialization
LOG7[878:1] Jun 28 10
Hi All,
I am also waiting for any replies for following questions from last few
months. Please anyone can help in this urgently.
Might be Steve can you answer for this please.
We have Netscape Certificate Server as CA and keeps track of CRL.
In my server(developed us
Hi All,
Can anyone suggest me for the following error urgently.
I am using the stunnel source using threads for servicing the clients.
Some time for more than one client it does the correct data transfer.
But at some times when first thread closes, and the second thread is on the
verge of hands
Hi all,
Can anyone help me in this urgently.
I have a Certificate Revocation List file which is a binary file.
Does any function in openssl supports in checking a certificate in that
When the client certificate is requested, it has to be checked against the
file cms.crl file to check whet
Hi all,
As read from many sources i understood that when a certificate is revoked it
is no longer valid and CA keeps track of revoked certificates in certificate
revokation list(CRL).
We have Netscape Certificate Server as CA and keeps track of CRL.
In my server(developed using stunnel and opens
Thanks for your early reply.
I did as you mentioned and my server is working fine. But i have one more
When i try to connect from client as
telnet -z ssl -z cert=newfile.pem server port
It gives the following error
VERIFY ERROR: depth=0 error=unable to get local issuer certific
Hi ,
Can anyone help me in this urgently.
I have developed a server using the stunnel and openssl.
My problem is,to run my server,i need to give the certificate which is
generated from Netscape Certificate Server. Netscpae Certificate Server has
given the certificate in PKCS12 format.
But my se