Braun Brelin wrote:
> Hello,

> I originally posted to openssl-users, but
> I've just realized that there exists and
> openssl-dev mailing list and this question
> is more on-topic for the dev list anyway.

It isn't.
It is a general C/ linking problem

You can solve it reading the build line and the error messages.
(and a short look at the content of your librares.)

> ----------------ERRORS FOLLOW-----------------
> /usr/local/bin/gcc client.o infernet_c_connect.o infernet_c_disconnect.o inferne
> t_c_receive.o infernet_c_send.o infernet_ssl_c_connect.o infernet_ssl_c_setup.o
> -o client -L/usr/local/ssl/lib  -g -lcrypto -lssl -lxnet -I/usr/local/ssl/includ
> e

you link the libraries libcrypto.a and libssl.a in this order.

the linker binds every .o to the program and starts looks in the
for unresolved symbols.

> Undefined                       first referenced
>  symbol                             in file
> BIO_f_buffer                        /usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.a(ssl_lib.o)

while binding ssl_lib.o from libssl.a the linker had an symbol it wasn't
able to resolve.
It was the symbol BIO_f_buffer.

you have to find a library containing the symbol BIO_f_buffer and link
it after libssl.a
to your program.

Have you a library with this symbol ?

After a short search you should find the library libcryto.a.

You must list libcrypto.a after libssl.a.

the link line should have been:

/usr/local/bin/gcc client.o infernet_c_connect.o infernet_c_disconnect.o
 infernet_c_receive.o infernet_c_send.o infernet_ssl_c_connect.o \
 infernet_ssl_c_setup.o \
 -o client -L/usr/local/ssl/lib  -g -lssl -lcrypto -lxnet

Must be somewhere in the GCC FAQ...



Goetz Babin-Ebell, TC TrustCenter GmbH,
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