How does one verify use of AES-NI at runtime?

I know I can get 'capability' with:

    crypto/evp/e_aes.c:#define AESNI_CAPABLE \

But grepping the sources for a runtime test does not produce anything
that looks useful:

    $ grep -R -i AESNI *
    $ grep -R ENGINE_* * | grep -i aes

The reason I ask is it looks like OpenSSL is not recognizing AES-NI
even though this i5 processor has both aesni and rdrand (according to

$ openssl engine -c -tt
(rdrand) Intel RDRAND engine
     [ available ]
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
     [ unavailable ]

And the speed test shows no speedup with and without

    $ /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl speed aes

If it matters, this is Fedora 20, and I had to jump through some hoops
to get the shared objects built correctly (namely, exporting
CFLAGS="-fPIC" and config'ing with 'shared').

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