I'm trying to generate a test certificate on my Solaris 7 box as explained
in the README.SSL that came with Apache 1.3.12 + SSL and getting;

%> make certificate
/tmp/bg/openssl-SNAP-20000321/apps/openssl req -config
../SSLconf/conf/ssleay.cnf \
-new -x509 -nodes -out ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem \
-keyout ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem; \
ln -sf httpsd.pem
../SSLconf/conf/`/tmp/bg/openssl-SNAP-20000321/apps/openssl \
x509 -noout -hash < ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem`.0
Using configuration from ../SSLconf/conf/ssleay.cnf
unable to load 'random state'
This means that the random number generator has not been seeded
with much random data.
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
8471:error:24064064:random number generator:SSLEAY_RAND_BYTES:PRNG not
8471:error:04069003:rsa routines:RSA_generate_key:BN lib:rsa_gen.c:182:
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `certificate'

As you can see I am using the latest snapshot, but getting no where.  Excuse
my ignorance but I have spent the entire day searching through what docs
there are and the mail archive and have found nothing that changes this.  I
have the latest pem_lib.c, I haven't found anything else so far that gives
me any idea of what to do next.  I can't be the only person trying to get
this to work under Solaris, someone please help.

PS:  Please include my email address in the response I am not subscribed.

Systems Administration
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Phone:  (403)220-2289
Fax:    (403)284-4707

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