I will try to answer at least some of your questions ...
If the sixth most significant bit of the identifier octet is 1, the
encoding is constructed. Otherwise, the encoding is primitive. You can
control the default tagging method at the top of your ASN.1 module.
IMPLICIT changes the ta
Call i2d_ASN1_INTEGER to DER-encode an ASN.1 INTEGER. Pass 0 or NULL as the second argument to i2d_ASN1_INTEGER to determine the length of the DER-encoded INTEGER. If you pass a non-zero value as the second argument to i2d_ASN1_INTEGER, the function will DER-encode the INTEGER and increm
Regarding Java S/MIME, check out http://www.bouncycastle.org/, which claims,
"Generators for S/MIME and CMS (PKCS7)."
I have used Bouncy Castle's crypto APIs, but not their S/MIME APIs, so I am not sure
about the details of their S/MIME APIs and whether they will satisfy your needs.
Read Install.w32. For example, you could add the following to ms\do_ms.bat:
perl util\mk1mf.pl debug no-asm VC-WIN32 >ms\nt-static-debug.mak
and then run:
nmake -f ms\nt-static-debug.mak
to build a debug static version of OpenSSL without the use of an assembler.
To the best of my knowledge STL uses the namespace std. Have you tried explicitly
referencing the STL templates using the namespace std::. For example, std::string,
std::vector, etc.
You could modify the code to read from something other than a file, which may not
matter to you.
Message History
From: julien Bournelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@openssl.org on 06/11/2002 06:00
Not sure about PEM_read_RSAPublicKey, but the following call to
PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey works for me:
BIO * bio = NULL;
RSA * rsa = NULL;
bio = BIO_new (BIO_s_file ());
if (!bio)
// Handle error here.
if (BIO_read_filename (bio, publicKeyF
You can either encode and decode CopyKey (i.e., call i2d followed by d2i) or increment
the rsa_st's references element using CRYPTO_add. For example:
CRYPTO_add (&CopyKey->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_RSA);
See crypto/threads/mttest.c for setting up mutexes for a multithreaded applica