mod_authz_ldap help....

2010-05-06 Thread Luisç Nevesã
Hi, I am trying to use mod_authz_ldap to query a X.509 certificate on a ldap directory in the directory, i have stored in the userCertificate attribute an BASE64 cerificate: MIIHODCCBiCgAwIBAgIIX9kz4PL5XQ8wDQYJKo etc etc etc the problem is that I see on the /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log that

Re: mod_authz_ldap help....

2010-05-06 Thread Luisç Nevesã
Hi Michael, Ive posted here just to try to find if the hexadecimal form that the query is being using is the correct one that comes from mod_ssl well when you say that in LDAP requests/responses the data is *not* base64-encoded I presume that hexa code I am seeing in the logs are correct. Thats

bad characters encoded on ssl logs coming from x509 cert

2010-04-27 Thread Luisç Nevesã
Hi to all, I have this data on ssl_error_log, coming from a client certificate [Fri Apr 23 14:13:26 2010] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1219): Certificate Verification: depth: 2, subject: /CN=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o 001/OU=ECEstado/O=SC EE - Sistema de Certifica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o