Dear Open SSL community,


thank you for this opportunity to use open SSL. I will donate adequate only
when I can use it.


I installed too newer versions of OpenSSL binaries distributed from Great seems to be all OK.
But I cannot use the command line openssl. 


Whatever I want to do appears an error message and the command is not


“Unable to load config info from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf “. There is no
such file after installation! 


Even when I pose a copy of the openssl.cfg in the user -> application ->
local data directory renaming it in openssl.cnf, also when I create a folder
from /usr/local/ssl/ there or in the installation directory, the error
message remains the same. 


I cannot use this tool therefore, but I need it for certificate request
creation. My command line was about this: Installdir\bin\ openssl req -new
-newkey rsa:4096 -keyout "%SAVEPATH%xxx.pem" -out "%SAVEPATH%yyyy.pem"  


Can you help me to use this command line? What do I do with the .cnf file,
it is actually missing! 



Mit freundlichen Gruessen / kind regards

                 Norbert Kailan 

ATEL AuTomotive ELectronics Norbert Kailan

Ingenieur (Uni) Norbert Kailan 
Moltkestr. 24
D - 71116 Gärtringen

Mobil: 0177/1727624
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