i m running the openssl 3 commands :


openssl genrsa -out "C:\Documents and
Settings\bon\Desktop\openssl\test1\temp-key.pem" 1024


openssl rsa -passin pass:123 -in "C:\Documents and
Settings\bon\Desktop\openssl\test1\temp-key.pem" -out " C:\Documents and


openssl req -passin pass:123 -batch -new -x509 -config " C:\Documents
and Settings\bon\Desktop\openssl\openssl.cnf" -days 1825 -key
"C:\Documents and Settings\bon\Desktop\openssl\test1\server-key.pem"
-out "C:\Documents and Settings\bon\Desktop\openssl\


and I would like to know 2 things :


1.      how can I create the.rnd file at temp folder and not under C:\
2.      how can I change the value of : commonName_default   =
local_machine_name whice is located at : [ req_distinguished_name ]

to hold the computer name .




Thanks in advance



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  • hello Ohad Avraham

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