
I am working on a project that involves modifying an existing httpsClient to support user specified certs. The cert is provided in PEM format by a 3rd party. At first this seemed rather trivial, but the changes I made don't seem to work.

Here is the code I am using:

if (flCertString) /* is the cert a string? */
       X509cert = NULL;
       mem = BIO_new( BIO_s_mem( ));
       BIO_puts ( mem, cert );
       PEM_read_bio_X509 ( mem, &X509cert, 0, NULL); /* no error return? */
       errCode = SSL_CTX_use_certificate ( sslClientCtx, X509cert );
   else /* cert is a path to our cert */
       errCode = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file ( sslClientCtx, cert );

... I then create my SSL object from this CTX and continue.

ssl = SSL_new( sslClientCtx );

I get no errors when setting the cert, and I have verified that the rest of the client can connect to a 'normal' https site (eg: https://www.ietf.org).

My problem is that the 3rd party test server returns a generic error, no error code just a 'please contact tech support'. Tech support in this case is clueless.

My questions:

1. Does this code look right? Or did I obviously goof something up.
2. I have an OpenBSD server that's setup to handle https traffic, is there a way I can set it up to verify that my client is working properly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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