Good afternoon.

I’ m Looking for a solution to create a hash key type Sha1 signed and
encoded Base64.
In openssl is done by executing in CMD:

‘openssl dgst sha1-sign Fileprivatekey.pem out Filemessage.sha1 message’
and thain 
‘Openssl enc -base64 -in Filemessage.sha1 -out FileMsgb64 –A’

I can do runshell() openssl but I wanted to avoid using external exes and
not install openssl on customers PCs.

Any body can show a small sample that does this type of commands and obtain
the some result, from Libeay32.dll?

Any Light or idea, I will Appreciate 

Thanks for attention
Best regards.



Grato pela atenção dispensada.

Pedro Alexandre



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