
I have a CA, and I have a web server. The web server's cert is signed by
the CA. On this server I want to only allow those clients which have
valid cert's for accessing it (no anonymous access that is). In apache
this is done by adding a list of the user's certs. This is fairly simple.

If I have understood the principles correctly, the user's certificates
must contain the user's private key, right? How do I create (with
openssl) a certificate for each of these users, which would be
installable on the client's browsers (in PEM or DER format)? Finally, 
for the server's safety, I must sign these private cert's with
either the CA or the web server.

Please note that I have read the 
http://www.pseudonym.org/ssl/ssl_cook.html page. Is this the only way to 
do it? Is it possible for a server to make these client certificate and 
distribute them to the users in an offline manner, which the users in 
turn can install on their browsers.


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