On Mon, Sep 11, 2006, barchia wrote:

>> Hi to *
>> I try to decode a file that is encripted with des3 cipher,
>> the file is encoded with .NET framework, the key is 128 bit
>Err no it isn't the key is 192 bit of which 168 are significant.

Sorry, but I dont't understand... you say that the key must
be long 192 bit?

>Well other than the key length you need -nosalt to use "raw" mode.

I would know the procedure is correct:
I have a file "key.decrypted" that contains the key
")»£╩:ÝÊEh÷u dt"
in hex

-pass method:
openssl des3 -nosalt -d -in file_encrypted.enc -out file.txt -pass file:key.decrypted -iv "0000000000000000" -p
iv =0000000000000000
bad decrypt
2380:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:bad decrypt:.\crypto\evp\evp_enc.c:509:

-k method:
openssl des3 -nosalt -d -in PI_FATT_0606_0017_03226_114108.enc -out file.txt -k 7e46960de0c59530f7332b3eedb5867e
-iv "0000000000000000" -p
iv =0000000000000000
bad decrypt
3360:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal:bad decrypt:.\crypto\evp\evp_enc.c:509:


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