Re: PEM pass phrase

2001-03-15 Thread dobos_s
yes "Patrick Li" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: how to generate x509 certificate programaticaly...

2001-03-14 Thread dobos_s
see "mkit" in demos/selfsign.c Cly Jason Wang

AGAIN: Do you know, that there is a shortname collision in openssl andopenldap????

2001-02-27 Thread dobos_s
Openssl knows SN as serialNumber's short name and S as surname's short name. In LDAP SN stands for surname and serialnumber has no shortcuts. Second: Why are the openssl's txt2obj, and other fuctions case sensitive? The strings standing istead of OIDs should be case insensitive! Please. Anybody

(Re: Auto response) ADMIN KILL !!!!!!!!

2001-02-25 Thread dobos_s
Again some auto-mail-flood... Please kill him... :-( Cly __ OpenSSL Project User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED] Automated List Manager

RE: netscape_comment extension

2001-02-14 Thread dobos_s
What a shame... I thought it is simple... So what parts of certificate are protected with signature? Cly "Dale Peakall"

netscape_comment extension

2001-02-14 Thread dobos_s
Hi! What do You think? May I use the netscape_comment extension to hold my application specific information in text form (maybe in base64)? Cly __ OpenSSL Project User Sup

Re: question about adding custom extensions

2001-02-13 Thread dobos_s
Here is my question in detail: I want to create certificates, where the subject/issuer is: abc=xyz123,cn=BlaBla,cn=MoreBlaBla,dc=some,dc=where I want that the certificate holds some more values (in extension?): def3=qwe I have OIDs for abc,def3, other attributes (cn,dc) are x500 stan

question about adding custom extensions

2001-02-13 Thread dobos_s
Hi! I want to add some custom extensions to a certificate. I found something in openssl.txt, but it is to few for me :-) So I have an oid, a name and a value. I dont want to use config files. How can I add this extension to a certificate? Cly __