Re: [openssl-users] [openssl-announce] Another record-breaking donation from Smartisan Technology

2015-01-05 Thread elaine ossipov
Congrat's, that is so good to hear, and looking forward to some awesome breakthroughs! :) ~e --- Begin Message --- In May of this year the OpenSSL project received what has been our largest single donation to date, 100 RMB (roughly 16 USD or 133000 EUR) from Smartisan Technology (http://w

Re: graphic arts help needed

2014-05-09 Thread elaine ossipov
You Betcha, I'd be happy to help. When would you like it by? and Ow, see Stacy just replied to, so maybe we can collaborate. ~~elaine o. *blessed be.* * <>* *See my vizify bio!* [image: Elaine Ossipov 's Visual Thumbprint]<https:

RE: Strange OpenSSL error when my server accepts a new OpenSSL connection while existing ones are active

2013-10-09 Thread elaine ossipov
Jeremy, I am very interested in the 25% scenario's you are referring to here. What browser where you using? Where were you trying to connect to, what Operating system were you trying to connect to, I was reading up on extended cert's today and found out some interesting information from the Gibs

RE: how to STORE encrypted string in database

2013-03-28 Thread elaine ossipov
Hahaha, I thought I was reading my own notes there for a minute Ted. I would highly recommend the key not being on the same machine, or even in the same cluster. And honestly, not the same data warehouse for that matter. (Anything in the warehouse can be cross-tracked and traced, and you're be s