> Thanks Thulasi, for the clarification. Does this apply to all TLS
> implementations or just openssl?
It's protocol definitions, not implementations.
Principal Security Engineer, Akamai Technologies
IM: rs...@jabber.me Twitter: RichSalz
-users] Any way to create a large encrypted finish message?
A correction regarding padding.
On 11 December 2014 at 16:53, Thulasi Goriparthi
mailto:thulasi.goripar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
One can't change the encrypted finished size unless one is using variable
padding. encrypted fi
A correction regarding padding.
On 11 December 2014 at 16:53, Thulasi Goriparthi <
thulasi.goripar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One can't change the encrypted finished size unless one is using variable
> padding. encrypted finished size depends on 3 parameters: protocol version,
> cipher type, MAC type
One can't change the encrypted finished size unless one is using variable
padding. encrypted finished size depends on 3 parameters: protocol version,
cipher type, MAC type,
Protocol version decides if explicit IV is included in the record and
unencrypted finished message size.
For SSL3 and TLS1.0,
I am working on issue involving openssl TLS 1.2 finish message decryption. I
was wondering if anyone can tell me how I can generate "encrypted handshake
message" (client finish message) record larger than 64 bytes only using RSA
Your suggestion is greatly