Try these:
- split the certificates from your CA/cecert.pem into individual files with correct hashes - run "strace -eopen openssl verify -CApath <yourcacertsdirectory> client.cert"


Le 04/06/2013 09:02, Leon Brits a écrit :

Hi all,

I have just created a new CA which has the extension to allow client authentication. My previous CA worked fine without this extension but some client application now requires that I set it. So I've created a new client key pair and signed it with the new CA, but when I use openssl verify to test them, they do not verify.

I get the following error:

$ openssl verify -CAfile CA/cacert.pem client.cert

stdin: CN = d8ab98a0252208818a29d5548bd833d40e85e4fa14bf146dc04be5139418fae2, emailAddress = <>, C = aa

error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

If I look at the new client certificate's chain I get:

~$ openssl x509 -issuer -subject -noout -in client.cert

issuer= /C=aa/ST=gg/L=ppp/O=mod/OU=eng/CN=crypto-admin/emailAddress=root@localhost

subject= /CN=d8ab98a0252208818a29d5548bd833d40e85e4fa14bf146dc04be5139418fae2/ <>/C=aa

and the CA certificate is selfsigned:

~$ openssl x509 -issuer -subject -noout -in CA/cacert.pem

issuer= /C=aa/ST=gg/L=ppp/O=mod/OU=eng/CN=crypto-admin/emailAddress=root@localhost

subject= /C=aa/ST=gg/L=ppp/O=mod/OU=eng/CN=crypto-admin/emailAddress=root@localhost

The extensions for the CA are now:

X509v3 extensions:

            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:


            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:




            X509v3 Basic Constraints:


            X509v3 Key Usage:

                Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

I just cannot understand this verification problem - the client is directly signed by the root CA!?

Any help appreciated



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